March is starting out to be a good month. I've had a few
Etsy sales, made some new
friends, paid off my Nordstrom Visa (no, I do not compulsively shop at Nordstrom, as my Mint account would have you believe; I use that card for all my purchases), found a
house for my cousins to move into, taught a PaperSource wedding workshop that left me exhausted in a good way, made my bed (but somehow that hole in the wall still has not patched itself..), and made some good jewelry connections.
Today, I am so excited to say that I'm featured on
Snippet & Ink, a lovely wedding blog. How sweet of Kathryn to include my name in her
Friday discount section! Kathryn posts absolutely gorgeous wedding inspiration boards that definitely inspire me in so many ways. Here are pretty much the first three I found, because they are all equally amazing. So you should go now and read her blog everyday.
#352 Sweet ToothWatch for a very special post later today... Hint: free jewelry is involved, so tell your friends!
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